I've got a rather packed schedule next week;
monday -
tuesday - econs lecture 1130 to 1430, staying back for art afterwards
wed - band camp
thursday - art make-up lesson, band camp
friday - band camp
That's 4 days in school aint' that great ):
Not like I can change cca anymore rah. I have come to a conclusion that more air is required to blow the flute as compared to the clarinet or EVEN the oboe. & there isn't anybody to help us now since its the syf period, still trying hard to improve on my own. At least I can play a few notes from Overture no. 1 huh -.- Note: few.
Wilson's staying in jc after IDK HOW MANY WEEKS OF INDECISIVENESS :D woohoo now minority gang won't be odd numbered anymore! Ah, but that's another nuisance during GP lessons LOL. He sabos me during every lesson and that's uh.. great. NOT!
I'll aim to complete the SRGCE proposal by tomorrow IF they ever go by a first-come-first-serve basis. EH DAMMIT LAH WHY IS EVERYBODY SIGNING UP FOR JAPAN I'M DESPERATE TO GO. I don't care if I'll be all alone with no classmates or whatever, I DON'T CARE.
School's fun and we better start mugging k, 1A07! (actually I'm the one amongst all of you who needs this the most) Love you guys :D (stupid yaya I'm not amma)
If you want pictures there are some on facebook, I'm currently too lazy to post 8D
Nadiah: LOL were there really pictures of the portable toilets on facebook?!
{LOL nopee, I just heard about them, THERE ARE PICTURE OF THEM HERE NOW HAHA}
anna: hello emma im using your comp and your keyboard is small and you're outside watching slumdog nowi i think it's e most awesome show ever hahahah
anna: Hahahah totally girltalked! LOL
{hello anna my keyboard's better than the old one and YES ITS THE MOST AWESOME SHOW EVER! :D girltalked to the max haha!}
yahui: see you for dinner later.. i'm just at the opp room. DROP BY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

{HAHA OMG SORRY I DIDN'T! come over soon k! ;D}
leongying`: haha I live just inside the place you took the picture at eunos at

{Serious! THE ONE RIGHT OUTSIDE MRT? its so beautiful gosh!}
yeNi: I can't strike anything off my list yet but its time to sleep, <<<< src="http://www.cbox.ws/smilies/3/grin.gif" alt=":D" border="0">
{HAHA works damn well doesn't it :P I end up doing everything during free periods lol! Its at least better than falling alseep O:}
{YEAH DAMN AWESOME RIGHT THAT'S THE REASON WHY I WANTED TO GO TO JAPAN!! Hope I'll pass the interviews & you can have the pictures LOL. Imagine seeing a life-size chihiro or something :D}
k i'm tired goodnight byebye seeyou.
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